Produse si Servicii
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Team For Youth Association
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#29 din 29 de Companii din
Membru Gratuit din 2012
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Scrie o parere
Team For Youth Association Team For Youth Association 0757280757 Bd. Republicii, Nr 15 Ap 6, Baia Mare, Maramures
Produse si servicii

stagii de voluntariat international, proiecte de schimburi de tineri, proiecte locale si nationale

Tipul companiei


Piata de desfacere


Nr. angajati

mai putin de 5

Anul infiintarii


Despre noi
Suntem prezenti pe din 2012!
Team for Youth Association is a cultural youth association non-governmental and non-conformist, that developes cultural projects on a regional and European level.

The organization uses as a main resource the abilities and competences of its group of young volunteers. As a general aim, we try to stimulate cultural initiatives through volunteering, and to participate in social transformation by activating young people civically and culturally.

We consider volunteering to be un opportunity for youngsters to learn activity, to develop new skills, to work in international groups and to make a difference in society.

Our organization aims at implementing projects like:
-youth exchanges
-training and seminars
-cultural workshops and debates
-European Volunteers Service
-street theatre and performing art activities art exhibition and events
-social campaigns

We rely entirely on the resources and competences of our volunteers, therefore,we have not employees
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